The Astraddled Sailor

The storm was a flamboyant evil,

against the placid trees,

and nature a helpless victim,

begging down on its knees,

the waves then pounded relentless,

like fire in hell relentless,

against the cliff relentless,

and into the hideous creek.


The captain,marooned,wretched,

gazed little but far into the dark,

fear refused submission,

under the moon,an arc,

he sighed at the lurking danger,

broken by the lurking danger,

agonized by the lurking danger,

that resided in his heart.


The ship drifted, untamed,

towards the rocky shore,

the scream of sailors dissolved,

in the venom of ocean's roar,

And Lo! then struck the lightning,

the piercing bolt of lightning,

glaring like the sun the lightning,

into two the ship it tore.


Ensued then mayhem,

all scattered like pigeons in flight,

the captain,exhausted,panting,

caught betwixt wrong and right,

the lifeboat lay at an arms length,

hope resided at an arms length,

life whispered at an arms length,

how angels and demons fight.


An ode to Alfred Noyes.

Now listen to me carefully....

stop looking for the answers..........there is no question!


Scattered is the soul with the burden its under,

scattered are notions in these times of thunder,

scattered are loyalties amongst the crowd that fade,

scattered is trust, broken, betrayed.

Besieged by unknown, the future is scattered,

the present, in debt, finds itself battered,

distance prevails, and friendships are scattered,

triumph when fails,hope stands scattered.

Scattered finds itself the esteemed sense of duty

when heart is deceitful, scattered is beauty.

scattered is ego in this worldly quagmire,

the will when submits, a scattered desire.

Too many questions scatter the sleep,

scattered ideologies, scattered beliefs,

scattered lies, long for one to be true,

scattered I find me, scattered I find you.

Life is......

........all about meeting people.

Some to be loved, some to be hated, some never to be thought about. You will detest somebody to the core of your heart only to be full of admiration at another time. You may  love someone with all your life and then forget them altogether.

There is no concept of a perennial relationship with anyone. Because the other person, or you or the circumstances are bound to change. All that is important, are the roles you play in your own life and how well you do justice to the character you are at that moment.

Neither is there any truth is the notion of getting back what you give. For you will play the part of every single somebody that you see around you. You will be the hater and the hated, you will be the lover and the loved. You will be the star and that guy who never got known. Eventually, you will, at one point or another, be the every single person you see around you. Its all a question of when. Its just like a circle.

Whomsoever you meet, gives you an insight of a way to deal with things for the time when you'll be them. Some call it experience, others wisdom.  You imbibe something good, and do good, you absorb something bad and sin. You can't help it, you are bound to.And in these terms, it seems futile to be ecstatic or depressed at how things turn out to be. Stop thinking about your actions, stop useless pondering abour right or wrong. If you feel like doing something at some moment, atleast you know what you want,dont ruin the chance, just do it. Beacuse if you dont, somebody else will.

Reasons may be different, notions may be different, experiences may be different, but it all comes down to the fact....its all about meeting people.