The Star Gazer

I love star gazing, so i guess something should be here for it too......

I lay down lonesome on the grass,
sprinkled with blushing youthful flowers,
with beetles together they shared with me,
an eternal moment, staring at the stars.

Scattered high in the sky they lay,
shining sages, so peacfully,
onlookers since times immemorial,
each moment ageing gracefully.

The young ones flashed inherent fire,
calming ways of those matured,
flashy ones shot like arrows fast,
a time like no other this time ensured.

Someday when I try and comprehend,
nature of man and delve on it for hours,
I'll think of this day I lonesome lay,
on the grass gazing at the stars.

The Addict

Gripped by the Devil Himself,
submitted to the whore of desire,
letting mind drift anew,
rising in the sky, higher and higher.

When limbs feel devoid of life,
prickly pins on finger tips,
in oceans fly aeroplanes,
desert is so full of ships.

Speech corrupts, words slide,
sight seemingly fades to black,
voices scream from far and wide,
thoughts pounded by bygone flak.

Enlightened mind, a body so numb,
ricocheting beliefs that need support,
split personality, one genius one dumb,
when none, infinity denotes.

Questions arise, answers fade,
or a sea of answers which questions wade,
when hate and love at once one says,
the lifeless red, the vibrant grey.

Redeeming self, a repelling ego,
the spotless mind cries aghast,
burying remnants of an eternal sunshine,
like a baby, it then sleeps at last.

I'm feeling so weird rite now. Angry yet enlightened is how id describe it to be. I dont know why, i was ok ten minutes ago, and i know ill be fine ten minutes from now. But if i were to explain u the ramblings in my mind, id say im feeling like a drug addict in a rehabilitation centre( dat doesnt mean i take drugs!!! Im against em anyways) who knows he must not take drugs and avoids it but is angry wid himself for doing so. So u see, its a two way feeling. Enough of this bullshit, the day was awesome. Caught up wid some old pals. It was like a golden era had cheated time and  momentarily re-appeared. Then there was a great re-union wid frnds wid whom frienships were broken for unknown reasons, reasons that dint even exist. But am glad today, coz finally after years, sense and sensibility have prevailed over false egos and mistaken identities. And how can i but not mention about the festival of lights. It was a simple celebration today, 
not a pompous affair like times before, but it was a much happier one. See, its been around 5 minutes since i started writing and am already feeling better. Anyways, enuf said for tday. I wish you all a very very happy deepawali. Hope all of you have an awesum time this festive season. Signing out. Gnite.

Her Lips

Drenched with the colour of devils eyes,
as creamy as an ice-cream scoop,
lushness of a dew soaked petal,
softness of a pigeons feather.

A curve upwards and the world submits,
a curve downwards and darkness descends,
they part and exhibit a necklace of pearls,
yesterdays innocence, todays trends.

Dipped in strawberry red they are,
a glimpse for which kings trade their gold,
a firm line together when they draw,
the modern beauty, mature and bold.

A sight of their casts a spell,
I am enchanted in by their mesmerising glow,
the passageway to beautiful thoughts,
the honey dripping talk my mind that blows.

An addictive picture together they paint,
lending the hand a velvety touch,
a pale of sweetness with them entwined,
a masterstroke of God's paintbrush!

Things Have Changed

Its not that good, its just too far,
when you aim at the moon and you shoot at the stars,
a hush goes rushing through the night sky.

Its all too good, i am all too clean,
I think about the places lately i have been,
you just keep believing its all worth a try.

The world is amusing, the world is strange,
i am too perplexed, i am going insane,
i used to be concerned but....things have changed.

The Day the Hope Died

A war has broken out. It has reached this city. The people of the city know they do not have the slightest chance. Most have accepted the will of God. A man thinks otherwise and promises his son he will be back. As fate would have it, he does not return. His son waits for him all the while and dies eventualy. Should the father have told his son to run away, should the son have done so himself, should he have literaly stood by his father's word knowing what all is happening before him, these are questions one is free to ponder over.

Far in the horizon,
clattered drums and trumpets,
of death gliding swiftly,
shatter life's nest.

Pillaging march,
fear emanating all along,
hope receding he spoke,
"fear not son be strong"

"human animals lay ahead,
tormenting spirits within,
oblivious to humanity,
deceitful devilish denizens

Back i'll be to take you,"
Comrades gazed in astonish,
"a rendition of what i stand for,
back i'll be i promise"

So stood there the child,
as meek as a deer,
imbibing the words he just heard,
his eyes of grit,
his shadow of strength,
he believed in his fathers word.

Mayhem caressed the buildings,
devastation kissed a lethal blow,
sorrow cuddled the faces of women,
bodies of the dead who wont let go.

Fighting the gloom all around him,
the boy stood still,
apostle of manly character,
naked exhibition of strong will.

Plunderers came closer,
his hair the bullet grazed,
not a smirk on his face nor a shiver of hand,
he stood there unfazed.

The light dimmed,
the sounds faded,
the senses were lost,
beneath the tree,
along the road,
Ah! the boy was shot.

In his descent to the ground,
heavenly stars he eyed,
not his body, not his soul,
it was his hope that day that died.

Who Am I?????

It was there that I met him,
standing down the hallway he was,
he met me like a lost brother,
for me it was finding needle amongst straws.

For I vaguely recollected him,
my memory lane seemed a bit narrow,
I listened, abstaining from curtailing his zeal,
his tales more fluent than chirps of a sparrow.

At last I spoke, patience giving way to curiosity,
I think the world had lost you,
consumed by death you existed no more,
I was there beside you always,
you never realised I was there before.
and so I will till eternity,
because me is you and you is me.

I grinned at him and walked away,
his resemblance kept haunting me,
could it be possible, did I know him before?
the question at hand kept daunting me.

I searched the answers far and wide,
every moment I lived, every path I went,
and it was then that I discovered,
the one truth that gave me strength.

A way of life I shed long back,
never before has reality turned to dream,
the man I met down the hallway,
He was I, I was Him.