The Addict

Gripped by the Devil Himself,
submitted to the whore of desire,
letting mind drift anew,
rising in the sky, higher and higher.

When limbs feel devoid of life,
prickly pins on finger tips,
in oceans fly aeroplanes,
desert is so full of ships.

Speech corrupts, words slide,
sight seemingly fades to black,
voices scream from far and wide,
thoughts pounded by bygone flak.

Enlightened mind, a body so numb,
ricocheting beliefs that need support,
split personality, one genius one dumb,
when none, infinity denotes.

Questions arise, answers fade,
or a sea of answers which questions wade,
when hate and love at once one says,
the lifeless red, the vibrant grey.

Redeeming self, a repelling ego,
the spotless mind cries aghast,
burying remnants of an eternal sunshine,
like a baby, it then sleeps at last.