Think About It

Ranting a bit on human nature, I picked up certain subtle nuances that go a long way in defining our psyche. I mean look around, you’ll seldom find anyone who is content with what he/she has in hand. We keep striving for a little more, a little bit extra hoping that it will make us happier. Personally I feel there is nothing wrong with it, these small traits make us human after all. ‘Contentment’ is a word that can lead to serious hereditary disorders.
One more trait that I’d like to mention here is “the grass is greener on other side syndrome”, in other words, “what I have presently is crap syndrome”. I realized this today while listening to radio. Just kept flipping between channels thinking something better must be on somewhere else. Seinfeld accurately sums it up. Men are not interested in what is on TV, they are interested in what ELSE is on TV.
If we backtrack a little, we’ll realize, its all to do with the innumerable options we make ourselves available. Think if you have only one thing, how high you’ll value it. You’ll never get bored because you know you cant get anything else.
This however defeats the purpose of life. Monotonicity is a the EIGHTH sin that Jesus’ stenographer accidently missed out upon. So I say, go on ,whine, crib, curse , stand on top of everest and shout out at the top of your voice that life hasn’t been fair. That’s the only way you’ll come anywhere near contentment. A satisfying life is a life wasted.Will such a life be worthwhile? Absolutely not!