“How are you”, she asked
“I am fine”, I replied

Its Been three months now since I broke my shoulder one fine day cruising along feeling like God, when my view about life and death was remodeled to be as it stands today. I still don’t understand why I prayed for the doctor to tell me I have a fracture, to be honest I wanted to know how a fracture feels like. Insane I know.
It was just the beginning of the final semester, and I could see all my plans for the remaining months in college being swept away.
Its was hard, to be true, being dependant on others for your needs. Time went on, the broken shoulder carried me to Rishikesh where that camp has made its way to a permanent spot on the blueprint of my memory, to Haridwar, a visit which shattered my faith in the so called upholders of Hinduism. Another awakening was the meaning of ‘Nirvana’ for the millions of ‘babas’ that adorn the landscape of these Holy lands.
Life back in college was like a rejuvenation. To be honest, the last semester has given me the best time in my 4 years of college. Each day is like a footstep for something new and exciting. And I look back and I see, Me, two years ago, leading a completely different lifestyle. The variables have once again re-established their property, for they now have new values under same titles. Also, things have stopped mattering, its OK either ways and that is something I find good. And then one day she again asked,

“ How are you?”
“I am fine.” I replied


Anonymous said...

agreed,one lives for oneself...even if sumone is gone frm the lyf...u cud try gettin sad for a day..ok...for a week...but not the entire lyf.So ...Nothing matters.

btw,ur blog entries r becoming scarce...keep writing.