
We all always thought he should be in ads that endorse smoking. Ram Swaroop " Bhapaji" Manrai had been smoking since the age of seven,  a minimum of 2 bundles of beedis a day, putting a dying one down only to hold a fresh one a moment later. He even humoured that the reason for his energy is the fact that he never smokes less than that! 

He worked as an income Tax officer for the GOI, and was as honest and dedicated as they come. Of course I never saw him during his working days, for he retired as long before me as i am now or even earlier! But I have seen him when he used to come over to our city from Delhi-6 , alongwith Beeji and spend a few weeks.

Bhapaji,the younger brother of my Grandpa and Beeji, the elder sister of my Grandma were married sometime in the late 1940's. I found it amusing and cool as a child, and to be honest, still totally agree with my feelings then. That makes it over 70 years of married life! Their arrival always meant a time of sitting together in closed groups and listening them take out stories one after the other out of a box. What they narrated are, by far,the most astonishing and captivating tales i have ever heard. Be it encounters with ghosts,a funny dig at someone from the family, a personal experience, everyone was spellbound and fixated by the old couple's enthusiasm in what they said and the fervour they said it with.

In 2007, they stayed with us for a month and a half, stepping aside from the initial plan of just a few days. Evertime the topic of there going back would come up, me and my sis would ask them to stay just a week more, and they would. We just didn't want them to go, and I guess they too, waited for us to say so. Everyday morning , Beeji would make me some paranthas for breakfast ,I would get Bhapaji three bundles of 501 and be off to college. 2007 was the same, except I could only meet them for a couple of days, work having taken me away .

While going home next week, I had plans to meet him up on the way. He was in too much of a hurry I guess.

Bhapaji passed away two days ago,aged 86. 

Will love you always. Thank you for being my Bhapaji.:)