Just Do It

All in all, any pre-emptive measures, all the anticipation, cribbing, anxiety, charm of things we plan out does but extinguish the off-guard elation we might feel had the very same thing been presented with an element of spontaniety.

When you know the outcome, no matter how pleasant it may be, the exuberance is distributed over an elongated time span and all you get is a diffused contradiction of 'I know it will happen but just in case?' doubt and 'I knew it would have happened' prophecy that all but kills the joy.

The only aspect of life where spontaniety has proved to be rather unwelcome is a sad ending. For then, anticipation or its nemesis, coupled with negative thinking proves a blessing, as 100% failure is expected and anything better is a boon.

God may not be playing dice with the universe, but he did give us the idea to roll one! Just do!!!! Let the chips fall where they may. Give chaos a chance. Disorder never ceases to surprise. If you do not spin the wheel, hitting the jackpot is out of the question.