Who Am I?????

It was there that I met him,
standing down the hallway he was,
he met me like a lost brother,
for me it was finding needle amongst straws.

For I vaguely recollected him,
my memory lane seemed a bit narrow,
I listened, abstaining from curtailing his zeal,
his tales more fluent than chirps of a sparrow.

At last I spoke, patience giving way to curiosity,
I think the world had lost you,
consumed by death you existed no more,
I was there beside you always,
you never realised I was there before.
and so I will till eternity,
because me is you and you is me.

I grinned at him and walked away,
his resemblance kept haunting me,
could it be possible, did I know him before?
the question at hand kept daunting me.

I searched the answers far and wide,
every moment I lived, every path I went,
and it was then that I discovered,
the one truth that gave me strength.

A way of life I shed long back,
never before has reality turned to dream,
the man I met down the hallway,
He was I, I was Him.