
In deep caverns of solitude,
entangled is the mind in a pensive mood,
wafting along the thoughts descend,
searches the soul for point quiescent.
Ramblings of heart with heart-beats entwined,
feelings one in too many enshrined.
Caught is the brain in a murky quagmire,
pondering upon fulfilled and betrayed desires.
Contours of walls like ghosts in hiding,
down comes a picture with breeze gliding.
For aeons the bliss of sleep then waits,
the heart loves the sinner, the sin it hates.
Eyes wide shut yet the world is clear,
lay distant dreams with me, so near.
A careless whisper at once the spirit echoes,
and paints a picture of you amidst sparrows.
Enter I, fly the birds, you stay,
the heart then dictates, the pen obeys.
Time albeit spares a moment none,
tick-tock tick-tock it goes on.