Yourself Naturaly

What is the sea if it were shallow?
what is the mountain if it were small?
what is the rainbow without colours?
what if the grass if it were tall?

What is a vision if it ends tomorrow?
what is a fighter if scared of a fight?
what is a friend not there when needed?
or an argument not asserted when right?

What is a star that cannot sparkle?
or a straphanger who loses his way?
what is an arrow that misses its target?
what is a feeling if not conveyed?

What is distance if at arms length?
what is hope if not instilled?
what is a tear that refuses to trickle?
what is a wish if not fulfilled?

What is a rose if it has no fragrance?
what are people if there is no country?
what is a blush without a maiden?
what am I if I'm not me?

Everything in this world has an identity,
an attribute which when taken away leaves
its parent worthless. Something similar is
with us humans. Each of us has a unique
persona, be it  a godly or satanic. So many
times we find ourselves manipulating our
true self to appease those around or merely
to prove a poing. I say stop changing. You
are not and cannot be somebody else, its
unnatural. The sooner one understands it,
the better.


Unknown said...

somebody has said something like human mind or human self being like clay.. a clay that can be moulded into different things, but only upto a time.After that it stiffens quickly..
that 'time' is short for some people..lasts a lifetime for some..