Do I Want What I Want?

We all have desires, wants, things we feel we could die for. We actually would. Its feels great to get what you've set out for. To finally accomplish your goal, be it whatever. 
However, if I sum up from what i've felt and been through, I'd say, it could be a two way situation.
You may just lose the value of things the moment you possess them. The very fact that its now yours wipes off all that you perceived it to be! Initially it amazed me, the very first time i felt like that.At a time when i should have been overjoyed and ecstatic, at a time when i should have been out shouting about with mad joy and overflowing happiness, I couldn't feel a thing.
I remember that day, vivid and clear, I just sat down, doing nothing, thinking .......nothing. What was there to think about? What was there to do about it?
And suddenly i realised, it was not what i had set out for that kept me going,that gave me the high.... it was the very act of setting out for it. I was in love with the longing to get it, it gave me immense pleasure. And like that, it was gone.
But then it will be foolish of me to generalise it, we eventually do want what we want, dont we?