Curved Line

Its past midnight, you can't sleep.

There is no particular reason. You dribble between the net, TV, cell-phone , throwing one away and catching the next. You talk, you listen, you watch, you laugh, you think, you read, you do everything humanely possible to pass time. If Only.

You can't go out, its raining. And having nothing better to do, you end up siiting outside and observing the rain. Weird occupation of the mind . Trivial phenomenon get magnified and engross you with your eyes wide open, nobody else in your thoughts, no flicker of how the day went by, now anticipation how the next day is going to be, just that patch of a few minutes wherein its just you and the rain and the tree that extends its arm over your balcony. If Only. The deprivation of all other senses makes you marvel the order amongst the chaos.

Vision and mind, both, are encapsulated by misty darkness. A noisy silence. Your attention focusses to the trickle of a thin stream of water making its way across the the plethora of dark green leaves that appear blueish black under the dim light of the lone streetlight . You are so captivated by the path the stream takes that the miss of a single leaf that it should have hit upon makes you feel like declaring war upon God. 

And then, the phone rings. If Only.