The Element of Choice

I never quite get it when they tell me to let life take its own course. Should I just sit around, do nothing and wait for every instance to unravel itself before me and then accept it hands down because, Hey! Thats life, it took its own course!

All of us, whether we like it or not, stand where we are because that is where we chose to be, by doing what we chose to do, listening to whom we chose to listen, believeing what we chose to believe.The point where we blame it all on destiny is when the choices we made/did not make were not what we should have. And the worst category when destiny finds itself taken to the mattresses is where we try half-heartedly. For then, 

1. Success in obtaining the result as we want it to be is almost never the case. Period.

2. 'Hey I tried, I guess thats the way its meant to be' - is the only false solace that we can acquiece ourselves too. (Shame really).

I am not against the idea of fate, I'm against its interpretation. Circumstances are responsible for the outcome limited only to the plane where you need to choose what should happen next. If beyond that things end being as you wish or don't wish them to be, take some responsibility, it was your choice!