I Like

I Like,
Saying silly things because I know they make her laugh,
that endless curve on her face I see,
like a winter morning sun; so bright,
the thought of which brings about such glee.

I Like,
To be away from her for,
the joy I get when i see her again,
like the heat parched earth;dry and out,
relinquishes its thirst at seasons first rain.

I Like,
to be close to her,
she makes worst of days seem right,
it lightens my mind, it lightens my soul,
it flies like birds in circled flights.

I Like,
talking endlessly to her,
never bored of each other get we,by far,
even silence such comfort gives,
words no longer necessary are.

I Like,
to whisper 'I Love You',
when she lay on bed, feelings for her to keep,
and feel the glow it brings in her eyes,
I like to put her smiling to sleep.