I still tingle with an experience a friend of mine narrated to me this morning.Life is cruel, yes it is, no two ways about it. When everything seems to be on the right track, life's train is chugging along at a slow but steady pace, one feels even the Devil himself cannot cause any aberrations in the smooth plans one often has. And yet it takes only a linesman to change the track, and as that lousy station master in a certain' Jab We Met' exclaimed, ' variation in angle by a few degrees and destinations get miles apart.'

My question is what does one do when the person finds he himself is linesman. Let me tell you, its the worst feeling one can experience.

Such a linesman, my friend Mr.M turned out to be. In this day and age who does not aspire to take a peek-a-boo at his/her managerial skills. He too was no different. And Lo! after much ado about nothing, the gentleman rose and the form of a ceratin SNAP was filled,albeit online. Such technology is a wondrous prospect of human existance in todays world. Most inhospitable places are a click away, the world seems at fingertips.
And so that day, that fateful day, Mr. started filling the document in question with much vigour and enthusiasm, or so he would have us believe. The family name was scribbled, educational qualifications mentioned with precision. Age, sex, contact numbers et al made their way into the Symbi database accurately. The test centre being the City Beautiful of course, but it wasnt to be.
The scroll on the mouse is a wonderful proposition and it makes it presence felt as one admires the functionality of a modern day computer. A scroll here and a scroll there and Johnny's sugar falls in his fathers mouth. Mr.M scrolled unknowingly and never looked back at the form, he's not someone who'd ponder upon stuff bygone. Little did he know that the little scroll button had done its work, in a manner that is both titilatting and saddening at the same time.
Mr.M 's admit card mentions his test centre as Chennai, nearly 2500 kilometres adrift. I'd like to meet that station master and let him know that.


Anonymous said...

hehe was this Mr Linesman by any chance you?