Reflections of a Broken Heart

A poignant depression sinks my heart,
Your incog indifference punctures my soul
I long forever to go back to the start
I’m rendered a plaything, my heart’s a gaping hole

All that I thought was paradise
Was truly a burning hell
Every moment I die as I am living
There is no difference I can tell

Anguish and pain I have concealed
With laughter that has been fabricated
Tribulation dwelling in myriad smiles
Fluttering atop grief aggregated

I was so naïve , I thought you cared
Leave me now and enjoy your days
Diffident you have been and diffident you will be
Its time we went our separate ways

I will not ever trust again
My feelings I will not ever share
I think though I might love again
I certainly will never care.


Anonymous said...

Ahem...quite touchy :-)...
Be kind, for everyone u meet is fighting a harder battle!

wildflower said...

heart break reveals so many things about you, it un-shields the artist within you who understands Pain...

Anonymous said...

emotions help words.ur words voice much more.
broken heart...hmmm.

Unknown said...

hey take care... you can feel so much pain only when u have felt more happiness earlier.. take the bad with the good... sadly, thats life..

Anonymous said...

Get well soon(er).;)

ur anonymous frnd

Devil's Advocate said...

@ruchi: i agree, but then dats life

@wildflower : well thank you. artist would be too big a word though..;)

@udit : of all ppl, i dint expect u to start wid " take care"

@anonymous : thanks a ton fr the good wishes. ill try to get well soon(er)..;)

Anonymous said...


Life is stranger than Fiction said...

gud or bad, fair or unfair, or any other feeling u may feel ...... but one thing u cant help is that the truth " life simply moves on"
for the better n not the worst.....
hoping ur lif has also moved on......