Stars to Moon

Why do you leave us alone?
not long ago, brightest you ever shone.
Unconditional love we have for you,
purer than an untouched pearl, selfless, so true.
You comfort us in the silence of the dark,
orphaned we are without you, naked , so stark.
tortured through the day for the night in your yearning,
calm and cold outside, inside we are burning.
Since time was timeless, there were no minutes, no hours,
To you are we important, or mere useless stars?

Sometimes, i feel the moon just plays around with the stars.
It pretends to be always there alongside and then, like that,
its goes into hiding betraying all that they have conjured up.
Isnt it unfair? All along the month, it hangs up there with em
giving them promises all when it knows it has to retreat to an
unseen abyss! And then everything starts all over again. It'll
grow each day, bit by bit, exhibiting its full glory and then
start taking steps back to disappear once again. Hope is the
worst thing anyone can give anyone.

lot for the birthday wishes and wish you a very very happy and
prosperous New Year. Would like to know who you realy are though.


Anonymous said...

Hopes arise alongwith expectations which are ,in every sense ,very deadly.

Nice to see that u noticed me coming here.I surely agree it ll b nice to know who i m,so,try and find out.;)