Wonderland Airways

Wonderland Airways take me away
to a place where there are no tears
Infinitely blissful paradise
with no reasons for me to sear

Where crimson coloured tulips
giggle under the blue sky
To a place I love the most
Greenest is grass and joyous doves fly

Wonderland Airways take me away
light years from this madding crowd
A place for none other just for me
where I’m not followed by dark clouds

Adorned by pious mountain streams
With glee and happiness abound
And angels dwell beside every brook
Just what I want surrounds!

Wonderland Airways take me away…..

Go ahead, ask yourself, isn’t it true that
we all have a square in our life that we
don’t seem to cross because we don’t
know which of the ways we should take.
Its like that little scratch on the top of
your mouth which would heal if only you
would stop licking with your tongue but
you cant, or so as Tyler says. We need
an escape when we reach such a junction.
We need a Wonderland Airway to take
us where our mind is unpolluted with the
indecisiveness and cluelessness. Someplace
where we can be just us with nothing to
torment us, no unsolved puzzle to plague
the neurons. Whats your wonderland?