There goes our today,
in yearning for a better tomorrow,
cascaded by the glimpses of peace,
tarnished by beads of sorrow.

Plagued by the moments bygone,
the present dies a tumultous death,
how can the lungs of today survive,
if fed with yesterday's breath.

Events of the days of yore,
let em trouble us no more,
they lend the life a filthy touch,
they cripple the mind, it needs a crutch.

Yes those were times, they were bad, they were good,
give them their due no more than you should,
so shed remnants of bygone, rue them over less often,
for 'now' is what awaits us with its arms wide open.


Ye Pirate! said...

what the fuck do you have against us nostalgic types???

Ye Pirate! said...

blow me bitch