Shooting Star...

While star gazing last night, saw a shooting star, grabbed a pen, just wrote it down........

Across the stars
brighter than the sun,
it dies for a moment of glory,
a way of life for millions to see,
a perception of existence that has a different story.

An aim in mind it had,
fulfilling which it met its end,
but a healthy promise it lighted in rest,
dare i say, the 'how life should be' trend.

Of what it thought was its destiny,
to meet the earth, its sole desire,
it gave it all, its mind, body and soul,
radiating its passion, exhibiting its fire.

Pursuing its dreams over eternity,
the true meaning of 'being' it showed,
for it took a path most fear to tread,
overwhelmed with respect my head bowed.

And then i gazed at the rest of the lot,
the millions of stars shining up in the sky,
a question arose from my soul to them,
for what, for whom.......why?


Ye Pirate! said...

the greatst things in life are the ones which serve their purpose and nothing more......