Thank You

Running into circles,
trying to surprise you,
trying to remind you,
the times that have been.
You're the queen of angels,
the sound of sea in sea-shells,
i have no words to tell you,
what you mean to me.
Let my love mesmerize you,
my care satisfy you,
you're the reason i discovered,
a side of me i've never seen.
whenever i'm lost, i see in your eyes,
and find my way back home.
when i'm bruised and battered, my soul is torn,
i seek shelter in your love's dome.
you're a walk in the fresh mountain air,
you're the vigour and enthusiasm at a country fair,
you're a blessing thats benn granted, you're a wish thats come true,
Thank you


Ye Pirate! said...

your further into this love-shmove mumbo-jumbo than i thought...

...but i know who "she" is !!! :D